Onegai Blog returns after extended vacation

Onegai Blog disappeared directly after the holiday break. This left millions of fans wondering what happened. To add to the mystery, the popular blog site returned just as abrupt without any explanation. It was this suspicious behaviour that flagged NNW’s warning senses. After doing some serious investigative journalism, we now bring you the truth about Onegai Blog’s mysterious shutdown and re-activation.

In the beginning, Chief Editor was running both NNW and Onegai Blog. But since his sudden disappearance, Onegai Blog has continued to run. When we approached Onegai Blog to find out who was actually in charge, we were bounced from department to department. In the end, it seemed there was no paper trail and nobody seemed certain of anything beyond their role in the company.

We managed to find some information by questioning a janitor who worked for the cleaning company responsible for maintaining the offices that Onegai Blog rented. ‘Onegai Blog had no head. It was being run by an underground consortium of employees. That was until recently,’ the janitor told us before suddenly dying of what looked like a heart-attack.

With no evidence and only a tiny piece of the puzzle, we set about investigating the company further. We were able to gain access to their filing room with the help of a lock-smith we had employed. The documents inside revealed something we could never have even begun to guess.

Apparently the consortium who were running Onegai Blog, known to themselves as The League of Ordinary Gentlemen, were all assassinated at one of their meetings. With no real leadership, Onegai Blog was facing a crisis and one of their junior staff members was forced to take up the reins. Unsure of what to do, he decided to make a post blaming the extended holiday on “technical difficulties”.

Approximately two weeks passed before somebody finally stepped up to take leadership of the blog. It was none other than “Mr” – a mysterious man who seems to be influencing many global events both big and small recently. Because nobody knows who Mr is or where he comes from, it has been impossible for us to locate and question him. Currently, it would seem, he is an ally, but only time will tell.

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